WALLPAPER COLLECTION2022-12-13T15:38:41+00:00
British Wallpaper Designer

Make Wallpaper A Feature

Wallpaper is a personal thing, especially when we have it on display in our homes as part of our interior style.

Additionally, using wallpaper is a brilliant way to create the wow-factor, because it can tie areas of your interior design together. Whether that’s for a specific room, or throughout your home.

  • This can be through the use of colour, because wallpaper is ideal for connecting a variety of colours in one palette scheme. Therefore you don’t have to worry about your chosen colours all complement each other.

  • Furthermore, the style of wallpaper pattern. Particularly with floral, geometric, texture, abstract, scenic. Because a pattern style that can continue throughout an interior space, similarly will combine your accessories and soft furnishings.

British Wallpaper Designer

I have always loved wallpaper.  Consequently when Laura Felicity was founded, to create my own collection was a natural starting point.

With this in mind, Laura Felicity’s whimsical collection of wallpaper is inspired by countryside walks.  As well as the beauty of nature through the British Spring/Summer seasons.

At this time, being a British Wallpaper Designer means every pattern is hand drawn to create a natural, handmade touch to each design. Then to finish, either hand screen printed or digital printed to create the final outcome.

Furthermore, all colour palettes have been selected to create a calm atmosphere for all areas of your home.

The Wallpaper Collection

On the whole each wallpaper design in the Laura Felicity Collection has a story to tell;

British Wallpaper Designer

Geometric Flower

Nest Egg

dotty bird

dotty bird


If you have fallen for a wallpaper pattern from the Laura Felicity Collection but are looking for a specific colour palette to match your interior design, then look no further!


I absolutely love the wallpaper, it gives the room a totally new atmosphere. Warm. Cocooning.– Rome, Italy

British Wallpaper Designer

Why Choose
Bespoke Wallpaper?

If you love wallpaper and want to involve it in your home decor, bespoke wallpaper can take it one step further for you.

You are able to create a focal feature for your chosen room in your own style and taste, whilst creating a one of a kind statement that is yours and can’t be found anywhere else.

Creating a bespoke wallpaper is an ideal opportunity to design a pattern that ties your interior of a room together, without the stress and hours lost of searching for a design “that will do’’ for your home.

As a British Wallpaper Designer, many of my clients have come to me to design their own feature wallpaper because they want to recreate memories or even a feeling of when they were at their happiest/most content.

This can be a wallpaper design they have seen in:

  • A hotel they stayed in from when they were travelling/on holiday, where life felt simple and magical.

  • A spa weekend they walked away from feeling calm, refreshed and energised.

  • A restaurant where they had the most memorable dining experience, with the people they love the most.

British Wallpaper Designer

Custom Wallpaper For Your Home

Each client creates a bespoke wallpaper to keep these feelings and memories alive in their everyday routine and environment. When life returns back to normal, they look for a little escape every now and again (let’s admit it, we all do!)

Psychologically it changes how they feel about their home and what their home is used for. Making them feel happy, relaxed, and content.

With these reasons in mind, why not take the opportunity to create a bespoke wallpaper design with me? Wallpaper is personal, and can help keep your memories and feelings alive, just as much as a meaningful photograph. It’s just about finding (or designing) the right one for you and your home to achieve this.

Do you have a dream wallpaper in mind? Let’s get designing!

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