Welcome to the second part of my mini blog series, where I’m sharing my Interior Pattern Trends from my Italian travel inspirations of colour, pattern and interior styling.
All of which I have found extremely inspiring to involve into my Spring/Summer 2020 Interior Collection.
First up I was sharing how inspired I have been by Italy’s love for colour, especially yellow and blue (in particular areas of Italy), and pastel/coral pink and mint greens.
Come and have a read and get inspired by all things colour, with Part One’s mini blog series here.
Today I want to share with you (some of) my interior pattern trends and inspirations I discovered whilst travelling Italy.

Honestly, I took soooo many photographs of everything pattern. Everywhere I looked there was some kind of stunning pattern somewhere. You can imagine how frustrated my husband got form time to time, having to stop and wait every few minutes in order for me to get snappy happy.
Interior Pattern Trends
As well as colour, pattern for me is one of my inspirations that I find to be uplifting, especially when it comes to my mood and mindset. Similar to colour, I am in awe of pattern psychology and walking around Italy triggered this love again.
It felt like everywhere we went there was a pattern to be inspired by. I found my absolute true love in tiles; for the floor and on the walls. What can I say the Italians definitely do it properly when it comes to involving pattern within a tile design.

When we were in Italy, we travelled to a lot of different areas, where we were able to see a variety of different sites. From walking around Herculaneum and Pompeii and being able to to spot 4BC tile flooring, which was out of this world stunning. To being awestruck by phenomenal marble work within tile flooring in the Cathedrals and Crypts we kept on discovering.

As well as my tile love growing even more than before I went away, I was also drawn to many other surfaces where my Italian pattern love was discovered.
We walked most of the time we were in Italy. We worked out on average for the 32 days we were away we walked 6 miles each day.
So you can imagine how many pattern inspirations we spotted whilst out and about.
I’m very much a person who is always on the look out for inspiration, which can be any type of detail anywhere. Sometimes I don’t even notice I’m doing it. You can imagine therefore being able to walk around Italy was the best way for me to discover all things pattern inspiring.

From wrought iron gates to fading patterns on the façade of a building, my eyes were getting such a workout whilst we saw the sites of Italy.

Plus, I must admit the use of colour within the pattern designs I was coming across really did put the cherry on the cake with how effective these patterns are, in terms of inspiration.

Involving patterns in our decorating schemes is a brilliant way to help keep hold of our holidays/traveling experiences and memories. A top tip is to look for pattern that uplift you and remind you of your time away. You can even buy momentos whilst being on holiday. Or use these similar pattern deisgns to recreate these memories!
Similar my the colour inspiration Top Tip; take photos, note down what you love, and don’t be afraid to mix and match your inspired pattern combinations together.
And of course if you have room in your suitcase at the time, purchase something small whilst away that can be your decorating inspiration and starting point for when you come home.
For now, sit back with a cuppa, and have a scroll to discover Italy through my pattern inspirations, and see if there’s anything here that inspires you as well.

[…] Part 2 is discovering all things pattern, especially my ever-growing love for tiles; wall and floor. […]
[…] since written a mini blog series about my inspirations of all things Colour, Pattern and Interior Styling, which was just the tip of the iceberg to how inspired I felt whilst out […]